Prof. Yuan-Li Cai
Title: Limitation of the Air-bearing Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
Yuan-Li CAI was born in Guizhou Province in 1963. He received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1984, 1987 and 1990, respectively.
From 1991 to 1992, he was with the State Key Laboratory of Structure & Vibration for Mechanical Systems as a research fellow. He joined the Department of Automatic Control, Xi’an Jiaotong University(XJTU), as an Associate Professor in 1993, where he became a full Professor in 1999. He served as the Department Chair of Automatic Control from 1994 to 1998, and the President of Xiamen Institute of Technology from 2014 to 2019. He has also held guest/visiting professor with California University at Riverside (USA), Yuan-Ze University (Taiwan), and the Chinese Academy of Science (China). Since 2000, Dr. Cai has held several parallel appointments, respectively with ST Dynamics, TMI Holding, and Yeken Plastics in Singapore, as technical consultant or technical director.
Dr. Cai is currently the Dean of XJTU Bohai Institute for Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, the Deputy Director of Shaanxi Provincial Laboratory for Digital Technologies & Intelligent Systems, and the Director of Institute of Control Engineering at XJTU.
His main research interests are in the areas of guidance, control and dynamics for flight vehicles, modelling and simulation for complex systems, and intelligent systems. He has taken charge of more than 50 national scientific projects and enterprise entrusted projects. He is the author / co-author of seven books and more than 280 journal and conference papers, and holds seven patents. Dr. Cai is also a Senior Member of AIAA, a Member of Science and Technology Commission of Joint Research Center for Satellite Navigation of the Chinese Ministry of Education, Chairman of System Simulation Professional Committee of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), a Member of Space and Vehicle Control Professional Committee of CAA, an evaluation expert of International Cooperation Projects of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, an evaluation expert of Chinese Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Tendering Center, etc.. Currently, he serves as editors for several transactions.
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation(HILS) is used wisely in the field of aerospace and other high-tech fields. As a special type of HILS, air-bearing system is well known since it plays an important role in solving design problems such as space satellite attitude control system design. At present, relevant institutions and researchers discuss much more of the advantages and benefits of such system than its limitations. This speech discusses several limitations and difficulties of air-bearing HILS of its planning, construction and realization techniques based on the summary of the technique of HILS. Several key or important techniques are analyzed in depth in order to provide some beneficial suggests and assistance for the construction of air-bearing HILS system to avoid possible obstacles and risks of laboratory construction and use in the future.
Feng Wang

Title: MEC-Space Information Networks: Dynamic Resource Management and Routing design
Feng Wang was born in Henan Province in 1994. He received bachelor’s degree in 2016 of information and computing science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
He is currently working toward his Ph.D degree in Guidance, Navigation and Control at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. He is currently a research member at the Guidance, Navigation and Control Institution, China. He has received the Best Paper Award from EAI SIMUtools 2019 international conference.
His research interests include Space-Air-Ground integrated network and Cyberspace security.
The low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network has been a valuable architecture due to its characteristics of wide coverage and low transmission delay. Utilizing LEO satellites as edge computing nodes to provide real-time services for access terminals will be the indispensable paradigm of integrated space-air-ground network. However, it is not easy to design resource management strategies in edge computing satellite (ECS) network, considering different accessing planes and resource requirements of terminals. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of the network topology, relative motion, and available resources is required to establish ECS collaborative networks. This speech discuss problems above. The dynamic resource allocation architecture and advanced K-means algorithm in ECSs are proposed. Then, the extended graph model and breadth-first-search-based spanning tree algorithm are utilized to guide the inter-satellite link construction. As a result, the ECS collaborative network is established with fine-grained resource management. We desire a service-oriented network access for users whenever and wherever they are.
Dingde Jiang

Title: Low-orbit Constellation Networking Applications and 6G Key Technologies
Dingde Jiang (S’08-M’09) received the Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 2009.
From 2013 to 2014, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. He was a Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the College of Information Science and Engineering at Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, before April of 2017. He is currently a Professor with the School of Astronautics and Aeronautic, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research focuses on network measurement, modeling and optimization, performance analysis, network management, network security in communication networks, particularly in software-defined networks, information-centric networking, energy-efficient networks, and cognitive networks. His research is supported by the National Science Foundation of China, the Program for New Century Excellent Talents with the University of Ministry of Education of China, and so on.
Dr. Jiang served as a technical program committee member for several international conferences. He has received the best paper awards at several international conferences. He has been serving as an editor for one international journal.
With 5G networks deployed extensively in the whole world, the satellite communications receive the extensive attentions for the next coming networking paradigm. As one of the most important networking patterns in satellite communications, the low-orbit constellation networking is significantly attractive in academic and industrial communities. It will bring forth the innovational experience for users. However, the low-orbit constellation networking simulations and applications face many challenges. Specially for the coming 6G networks, we should in detail consider the new networking pattern that 5G networks in ground are integrated with the low-orbit constellation network. This speech discuss problems above. The low-orbit constellation networking application is introduced. The 6G key technologies are formulated in detail.
Bang-Tao Zhou

Title: Optimization method of flow table in SDN network
Bang-Tao Zhou was born in Guizhou Province. He is a research member of Key Laboratory of Intelligent Sensing and Collaborative Control of Aircraft Swarm. His main research interest is SDN network and its flow table optimization.
In traditional network equipment, data forwarding and control functions are tightly coupled, and network flexibility is poor. As a new model in the computer network industry, SDN network changes the existing distributed architecture and makes it a centralized Architecture, SDN technology is widely used in data center networks. Existing SDN switches store the flow table in a ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM), but the number of storage items is limited and needs to be quickly updated to cope with a large number of different flows in the data center network. We studied the method of optimizing the flow table timeout mechanism. By dynamically assigning timeout values for different flows, it is possible to reasonably match different flows in the network. Experimental results show that our optimization method significantly reduces the load of the controller, speeds up the update of the flow table, and avoids the overflow of the flow table.
Zhi-Bo Zhang

Title: A Method of Network Traffic Feature Selection
Zhi-Bo Zhang received the received degree in Electronic Information Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University. He is currently working with University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interests include Cyberspace Security. His main research interests include Cyberspace Security.
With the rapid development of Internet technology, traffic identification technology emerges as the times require. How to identify all kinds of traffic has become the focus of people’s attention. According to the classification of network traffic behavior types, a variety of network traffic classification and identification technologies are proposed, which can be roughly divided into port based traffic identification technology, feature-based network flow identification technology and machine learning based network flow identification technology. However, with the rapid growth of the amount of data, it is more and more difficult to identify the traffic. How to filter the characteristics becomes the problem to be solved in this paper. For feature selection, many researchers proposed filtering feature selection and encapsulation feature selection. Aiming at the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, this paper combines the two methods, gives the combination method of filtering and encapsulation, and selects the decision tree as the classifier, which further improves the classification performance of features. Experimental results show that the combination of filtering and encapsulation based on decision tree classifier can achieve better classification performance.
Jing-Yang Zhang

Title: Limitation of the Air-bearing Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
Jing-Yang Zhang was born in Gansu Province. She received the received the degree in Information and Computer Science, HeFei University of Technology. Her research interests include Space-Air-Ground integrated network. Her main research interests include Space-Air-Ground integrated network.
With the arrival of Internet of Things, the Internet of Vehicles is also developing rapidly. However, the coverage rate of ground network in China is low at present, and the construction of ground network in remote areas such as the central and western regions is difficult and expensive, so LEO satellite coverage can be used to access the network. Additionally, for urban areas, the traffic situation is sudden, the load pressure of the ground network is too high in this period, so the mobile network node (ex. satellites, uavs) is needed for communication assistance. This paper introduces a method of IoV path planning based on LEO constellation satellite. The satellite first conducts global situational awareness, and the acquired data is transferred to the control center for global path planning service. The control center makes the initial route and then obtains the optimal path according to Dijkstra algorithm and the Ant Colony Optimization (DiAC). It makes up for the defects of ground communication. Simulation results show that the vehicle network path planning based on STK+MATLAB designed in this paper is feasible and can relieve the ground traffic pressure and network load pressure.
Zhihao Wang

Title: Intelligent Algorithms in Network Intrusion Detection System
Zhihao Wang was born in Shandong Province in 1998. He is currently working toward Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China. He is currently a Research Member at Aircraft swarm intelligent sensing and cooperative control Key Laboratory, China. His main research interests are in the areas of cyber security, software defined network and network intrusion detection.
Some cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated and motivated. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important for computer systems to be protected using advanced intrusion detection systems which are capable of detecting modern malware. This speech has presented, in detail, a survey of intrusion detection system methodologies, types, and technologies with their advantages and limitations. We summarized the results of recent research and explored the contemporary models on the performance improvement of AIDS as a solution to overcome on IDS issues. The most popular public datasets used for IDS research have been explored. This speech also examines four common evasion techniques to determine their ability to evade the recent IDSs. Developing IDSs capable of overcoming the evasion techniques remains a major challenge for this area of research.
Yu-Wen Wang

Title: A method of Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network for air mobile target
Yu-Wen Wang is currently working in Electronic and Communication Engineering at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interests include Space-Air-Ground integrated network. He is currently a Research Member at Aircraft swarm intelligent sensing and cooperative control Key Laboratory, China. His main research interests include Space-Air-Ground integrated network.
With the development of communication technology, the integration of space and space information network has become a research hotspot. This network can be used for data transmission and sharing on the ground, in the air and in outer space, which can greatly enhance the coverage and speed of the network. However, the air space integration information network is composed of a large number of mobile nodes, which makes it highly dynamic. Based on the time-varying graph, this paper proposes a dynamic networking method to connect the aircraft in the atmosphere to the space-based satellite network, which transforms the problem into the shortest path solution at a certain time and avoids a lot of calculation. At the same time, according to the established scene, the joint simulation platform is built. And the simulation architecture with MATLAB as the core and STK and NS-3 as the auxiliary is completed. On this platform, the simulation test of air space integration information network can be carried out. Through the test of the algorithm on the built simulation platform, the results show that this networking method has good performance in the dynamic network networking.
Dr. Liuwei Huo

Title: Network traffic measurement in Software-defined network Simulation
Liuwei Huo was born in Henan Province in 1988. He received the M.S. degree in communication and information systems from the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2016. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from Northeastern University, Shenyang. His main research interests are in the areas of cooperation communication, software-defined network measurement, SDN controller deployment and LEO satellite network. He is the author/co-author of more than 20 journal and conference papers. Currently, he serves as editors for several IEEE journals.
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a flexible programmable network architecture, which is an implementation of network virtualization. SDN separates the control plane and data plane of network equipment, realizes flexible control of network flow, makes the network more intelligent, and provides a platform for core network and application innovation. SDN is widely used in the data center network (DCN) and Wide Area Network(WAN). Traffic engineering is used for analyzing network traffic and optimizing traffic flow and resource allocation in order to enhance the performance of an operational network. At present, relevant institutions and researchers discuss much more of the advantages and benefits of SDN. This speech discusses the architecture and traffic engineering of SDN. Openflow is a network communication protocol that implements the SDN network architecture. SDN provide a simple network traffic measurement scheme based on Openflow, several literatures of SDN network traffic measurement are analyzed. Then, we analyzed a case study of the light-weight network traffic measurement.